Download Not Enough Items (NEI) v. [1.8]

Not Enough Items (NEI) — with this fashion you can give yourself or any other eligible item or a block (you can enchant weapons or armor), view crafting recipes and much more. If you're new, feel free to install this mod, he will help you to understand all the intricacies of craft items
NEI supports almost all popular fashion, from this it can be called universal. Very flexible configuration That Manny aytems, allows to set many functions by itself, for example to forbid to take the items from the list, or remove items from a mod. NEI can be used not only as a cheat, but as merely auxiliary to it can be set up so that he was not given things, for example, showed a crafting recipe, information about the block that the player looks, etc. — it can help in simple survival if you're new to Minecraft.