Download Tinkers Construct v.2.2.1 [1.8.9]

Category: Mods  
Minecraft Tinkers Construct

Tinkers’ Construct Mod for all sorts of crafting, repairs and improvements of tools, weapons, blocks. Added a new ore, which not all instruments can produce. With some even unable to cope enchanted diamond pickaxe. This is a huge opportunity to improve already existing things. You will spend more than one day in order to learn it. For example, you can create a hammer with which to dig mine or tunnels with a diameter of 3x3 blocks or more. Extended the player's inventory, added new slots for armor, and accessories

Download tconstruct-1.8.9-2.2.1.jar [1,69 Mb] downloaded: 973 times
Download the latest version of Tinkers Construct from official website
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Category: Mods   MC: 1.8.9  
0 Rating: 4,2/5 (votes: 16)

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