Download Hardcore ORE v.0.1.7 [1.12.2]

Category: Mods  
Minecraft Hardcore ORE

Hardcore adds ORE dust, ingots, rods, nuggets, gears and blocks for 16 different types of ores. This mod does not create any extra weapons, tools or armor, and all items and blocks can be disabled in configurations. You will need an additional mod for processing these ores. At the moment, Hardcore ORE is compatible with the mod Tinkers Construct and EnderIO

Download hardcoreore-1.12.2-0.1.7b.jar [922,91 Kb] downloaded: 692 times
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Category: Mods   MC: 1.12.2   Developer: MCJediYoda
0 Rating: 3,6/5 (votes: 62)

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