Download Davinci's Vessels v.2.331 [1.12]

Category: Mods  
Minecraft Davinci's Vessels

Davinci's Vessels - Maud, formerly known as the Archimedes Ships Plus, which allows you to turn your built in aircraft or submarines. In short, you will be able to make the move virtually any of your construction, the amount of which does not exceed 2048 blocks. This can be for example any vehicle, boat, plane or even an entire island

Download davincisvessels-1.12-2.331-full.jar [518,06 Kb] downloaded: 779 times
Download the latest version of Davinci's Vessels from official website
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Category: Mods   MC: 1.12  
0 Rating: 4/5 (votes: 39)


MOHIT 4 September 2021 21:30
AnHshanzbdwsx creeper axewood axewood
Guest Yuvraj
Guest Yuvraj 1 October 2023 19:11
Shwidcwidydye to vah direct munh Khel thana

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