Chocapic13's Shaders v.5.0 [1.7.10]

This "mod", actually Sadarak for ShadersMod from daxnitro and karyonix. In this sadaraka completely rewritten rendering, so it's possible to add almost all later graphic effects to Minecraft!
Chocapic13's Shaders v.5.0 [1.7.10]
This "mod", actually Sadarak for ShadersMod from daxnitro and karyonix. In this sadaraka completely rewritten rendering, so it's possible to add almost all later graphic effects to Minecraft!
Continuum Shaderpack v.1.1.5 [1.7.10]
This sadirac it is recommended to put on powerful computers, especially the Ultra version. This sadirac very demanding on the GPU. The 980-x graphics cards you will get 30-40 FPS on Ultra at 1080p, the 560Ti and will give no more than 30-40 in the light version. This sadirac not working with INTEL HD GRAPHICS
Redstone 1.5 Update (Redstone Update) this is a big update with a huge number of new features and fixes
Как установить шейдеры на Minecraft?
This manual will help you install shaders in Minecraft and improve the game world by adding dynamic shadows, wind and the noise of the grass, realistic water, and much more. Just worth noting that the Shader is quite taxing the system and if you have a weak graphics card is not integrated, we recommend to refrain from installing this mod