Download Chocapic13's Shaders v.5.0 [1.7.10]
Category: Shader Packs

This "mod", actually Sadarak for ShadersMod from daxnitro and karyonix. In this sadaraka completely rewritten rendering, so it's possible to add almost all later graphic effects to Minecraft!
Maps and texturepack screenshots:
- Apterra (default TP)
- Taerin : The Under Hill Village (Pixel perfection all)
- Eldaria V3 by aureliensama (Chivalry texture pack)
Additional information:
- In the shaderpack folder are files .fsh and .vsh. You can open in any text editor and see the huge variety of constants which may change it by myself
- You can increase the rendering resolution in the settings sadaraka x1.42... in accordance with SSAA x2, x2.0 to SSAA x4. However, this may significantly sink the FPS (the best option x1.42)
- Rendering shadows can also be increased in settings
Category: Shader Packs
MC: 1.7.10