Download Misty World v.A_04 [1.12.1]

Category: Mods  
Minecraft Misty World

Misty World - a pretty good implementation of a post-apocalyptic world in Minecraft. In the past, this world has experienced something terrible, with the result that the world was divided into two parts. One part remained habitable, and the second was shrouded in a toxic atmosphere is deadly to humans. For thousands of years the acrid fog "gnaw" deep canyons in the earth's crust at the bottom of which there is a strange and dangerous life. To get to the measurement you need to go through a small quest. Look at the achievements, step by step, you will open the portal to the Misty World.

Download mistworld_1.12.1_alpha_a_04.jar [3,2 Mb] downloaded: 150 times
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Category: Mods   MC: 1.12.1  
0 Rating: 3,8/5 (votes: 21)


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