Download Mob Grinding Utils v.0.4.33 [1.18.2]

Category: Mods  
Minecraft Mob Grinding Utils

Mob Grinding Utils is a powerful tool for creating new ways to farm mobs, resources and gain experience. The mod contains a fully modular system that players can explore and use to get the most out of their mob farms. Below is a list of blocks, items, and various features. The mod has fans that push mobs in different directions, there are blocks that cause damage and a distributor of things. Mob drop sorting, experience accumulation, conveyor blocks and much more

Download mob_grinding_utils-1.18.1-0.4.33.jar [1,26 Mb] downloaded: 44 times
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Category: Mods   MC: 1.18.2   Developer: vadis365
0 Rating: 3/5 (votes: 220)

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