Conquest of the Sun - Sadarak created based on shaders Chocapic Shaders specifically for the project Conquest Reforged. Sadarak gives the textures a gloomy appearance and very well conveys the atmosphere of the middle ages.
All Conquest v Reforged.1.4.1 and mod Conquest Mod V. Reforged.1.4.1 to install mandatory
Go to .minecraft/shaderpacks. If folder not exist, create it.
Move or extract shaderpack archive into .minecraft/shaderpacks. You must get following path: .minecraft/shaderpacks/[.fsh and .vsh files inside]
Run Minecraft and follow to Settings > Shaders. Here you can see all aviable shaderpacks. Choose one of them
Additionally you can enable "tweakBlockDamage", and disable "CloudShadow", "OldLighting"