Sonic Ether's Unbelievable Shaders - perhaps this is the only supported Sadarak because it is developing jointly with the mod Shaders Mod (GLSL). Shaderparam most, if not all, are based on this. If you're a fan of realistic, colorful graphics, and dynamic shadows like in modern 3D games and shooters, then by all means install this sadirac, you will not regret. For these shaders, we recommend to put a resource pack Chroma Hills 1.9
Go to .minecraft/shaderpacks. If folder not exist, create it.
Move or extract shaderpack archive into .minecraft/shaderpacks. You must get following path: .minecraft/shaderpacks/[.fsh and .vsh files inside]
Run Minecraft and follow to Settings > Shaders. Here you can see all aviable shaderpacks. Choose one of them
Additionally you can enable "tweakBlockDamage", and disable "CloudShadow", "OldLighting"