Download Sonic Ether`s Unbelievable Shaders v.11 [1.10]

Category: Shader Packs  
Minecraft Sonic Ether`s Unbelievable Shaders

And again another version unbelievable shaders for Minecraft 1.10-1.10.2 from Sonic Ether. These shaders can be called the best of any available at the moment, because they are more likely close to reality.

Recommend this sadirac together with Chroma hills textures 1.9

Download [169,68 Kb] downloaded: 6067 times
Download the latest version of Sonic Ether`s Unbelievable Shaders from official website
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Category: Shader Packs   MC: 1.10  
0 Rating: 3,8/5 (votes: 116)


jp 24 August 2017 23:27
blood moon is way to dark...
Guest Kate
Guest Kate 19 November 2018 20:49
So im clearly doing something wrong Ive got the .zip and the unziped file in the shaderpacks folder in .minecraft and when in-game i cant find this mysterious shaders setting... i can get resource packs to work and mods work just fine but this is impossible

What do you think about that?

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