Risugami's Mods/ModLoader [1.6.2]

The most pressing question for beginners is how to install mods in Minecraft? At the moment the process of installing mods for new versions much easier and to the credit of Forge and Liteloader.
Risugami's Mods/ModLoader [1.6.2]
Как установить моды на Minecraft?
The most pressing question for beginners is how to install mods in Minecraft? At the moment the process of installing mods for new versions much easier and to the credit of Forge and Liteloader.
Chocapic13's Shaders v.5.0 [1.7.10]
This "mod", actually Sadarak for ShadersMod from daxnitro and karyonix. In this sadaraka completely rewritten rendering, so it's possible to add almost all later graphic effects to Minecraft!
Continuum Shaderpack v.1.1.5 [1.7.10]
This sadirac it is recommended to put on powerful computers, especially the Ultra version. This sadirac very demanding on the GPU. The 980-x graphics cards you will get 30-40 FPS on Ultra at 1080p, the 560Ti and will give no more than 30-40 in the light version. This sadirac not working with INTEL HD GRAPHICS
Redstone 1.5 Update (Redstone Update) this is a big update with a huge number of new features and fixes
Как установить шейдеры на Minecraft?
This manual will help you install shaders in Minecraft and improve the game world by adding dynamic shadows, wind and the noise of the grass, realistic water, and much more. Just worth noting that the Shader is quite taxing the system and if you have a weak graphics card is not integrated, we recommend to refrain from installing this mod
Sildur's Vibrant Shaders v.1.14 [1.9.2]
Sildur's Shaders is an Sadarak for mod shaders GLSL shader mod. This sadirac adds shadows, dynamic lighting, noise grass, beautiful water. Unlike other shaderparam this will work on virtually any computer and any graphics cards, including the Maquis. This version was updated in April 2016
Version minecraft 1.4.7 is still a popular poll. And this is the explanation, someone does not like the innovations in the latest release. Someone who likes to play on old maps and old mod, which not long ago published updates, but in any case, version 1.4.7 will remain a classic as version 1.5.2
Sonic Ether`s Unbelievable Shaders v.10.1 [1.7.5]
Sonic Ether's Unbelievable Shaders - perhaps this is the only supported Sadarak because it is developing jointly with the mod Shaders Mod (GLSL). Shaderparam most, if not all, are based on this. If you're a fan of realistic colorful graphics as modern 3D games and shooters, then nepremenno install this sadirac, you will not regret
Not Enough Items (NEI) v. [1.8]
ID предметов и блоков в Minecraft
The more you are an advanced player in Minecraft, the more often you use the command line. That is why it is useful to remember by heart the numbers of the blocks and items you can get or pass to another player in such bands as /give or /setblock
Как установить ресурс пак на Minecraft?
If you have a version below 1.6 (snapshot 13w24a) that you can install only texture on this statement - How to install texture pack. If you have a newer version then there are two ways to install resurspaka depending on the texture resolution.
Как установить текстур пак на Minecraft?
For those who do not know outset. Texture will not install as of version 1.6 (snapshot 13w24a) texture pack is replaced by resource packs, respectively, replaced the folder texturepacks resourcepacks. Package resources can now include:textures,fonts,sounds,language files.